Document and share how you want to be cared for if you cannot communicate for yourself so no one is left guessing. This includes when you would or would not want to receive life saving measures and/or treatment to extend life.
Entrust named people with your care that are supportive and able to honor your end-of-life wishes and Advance Directives, including your healthcare providers, care givers, loved ones and family members.
Educate yourself on the end-of-life options available that best align with your personal, cultural, philosophical, or religious values. This includes Comfort Only Care, Hospice Care and options to hasten the dying process if terminal or suffering.
Give direction on what you'd like done with your body after you die, how you'd like to be remembered, and the necessary legal and instructive documents that help others know how to access and manage your affairs after your gone.
"Every time a friend had an unexpected health crisis, we'd look at each other and say, "We need to get our plans in place." Such a relief we've finally done it." - Jeanne and Terry M.
"The workshop helped answer my top concerns about how to plan for end of life on my terms. It also took the anxiety out of getting my affairs in order." - Barbara P.
We encourage you to pick a Wednesday once a year to update and share your Advance Directives and end of life wishes. Knowing those who care about you aren't left wondering if they made the right decisions on your behalf.
Worry-Free Wednesdays was created after my family learned the hard way how important it is to be educated and plan ahead for end of life, especially when confronted with the reality of a critical diagnosis, an unexpected injury, or living with a degenerative disease.
At the age of 61 my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Immediately, our focus was on keeping her safe and comfortable as her cognitive capability declined. Caretakers and medical professionals were helpful and attentive, providing us with information and support as to how to help her live with the disease. But no one talked to us about the choices she could make when her quality of life no longer reflected her values about "living". No one made us aware of what life saving measures she could decline in a set of Advance Directives as the disease progressed. This lack of information left my mother in a vegetative state for nearly five years in the late stage of the disease with no quality of life. A path she never would have chosen. It was undue suffering for her and heartache for all who loved her.
Unfortunately, my family is not alone. Thousands of people are unaware of the autonomy they have at end-of-life to have their values honored about what quality of life and dying means to them.
Worry-Free Wednesdays is an effort to change that. To give individuals and those that care about them, the chance to be informed and prepared ahead of time. To show people how to easily update and share their end of life wishes once a year, on their chosen Wednesday. Making sure everything is current. Giving people the chance to die as they've lived - on their terms.
Wendy Norman
Founder, Worry-Free Wednesdays
Worry-Free Wednesdays, LLC
11624 SE 5th St, Suite 210, Bellevue, WA 98005